Friday, May 13, 2011

Not Everything is What it Seems

This week, I learned a lesson in irony and snap judgment worthy of sharing. Several times I have noticed trash in our parking lot.  As a company, we work diligently to keep our property fresh and welcoming and it’s disappointing to watch guests carelessly toss trash on the property’s grounds.  Upon seeing the litter I have thought to myself, ‘how can it be that guests feel it is acceptable to dispose of their refuse so irresponsibly?’  

This Monday, as I made my morning Starbucks run, I noticed someone in front of me open their car door and toss two Starbucks cups on the ground, presumably making space for their new cup of coffee.  They continued by throwing empty wrappers right next to the discarded cups. As the offending driver left the scene, I noticed the car’s plates were Vermont issued and recognized the driver as someone I see almost every morning at Starbucks. This was a fellow Vermonter and a local resident!  My theory that all Vermonters keep their state clean and care about a litter-free community was now full of holes. Irony.
This past weekend residents of our area engaged in Green Up Day, a long standing tradition here where residents donate their time and energy picking up the trash along our roadways and open spaces that has been exposed by the melting snow.  As Green Up Day comes to a close each year, neon green trash bags stuffed full dot street corners all over town, ready to be picked up and properly disposed of.  I have thought to myself, ‘this is the Vermonter spirit - taking care of our community and working together to keep it clean. I wished that more of our out of town guests had the same outlook’. Snap judgment.
Early this morning as I came to work preparing to write this blog, I watched two of our guests get out of their car -with Massachusetts plates- walk out of their way toward new litter someone had left overnight, pick it up, toss it in the receptacle, and go into the hotel.  They walked up to the desk, checked into their room and made no mention of their good deed in the parking lot.  I was impressed and humbled!

The moral of the story? It doesn’t matter where we are from and regardless of our different beliefs, attitudes or values, keeping our communities and planet green and clean is, and must be, a shared mission in which we all play a critical role.

Michael Sheeran
Area Manager
Larkin Hospitality

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